A Special Love Letter This Valentine’s

Dear God,

Love is in the air or should I say love is all over Facebook! Today is Valentine’s day and the whole world is celebrating love. Most of the people are showing and expressing their love to the people closest to their hearts. Isn’t it a good day?  

As I see pictures of celebrations, dates, gifts, and letters, I also wanted to celebrate like them. But I know I am still limited by my illness. Even so, God, you have surprised me. Because today, you reminded me of the reason why we are able to love.

“We love because You first loved us.” (1 John 4:19)

Therefore, what better way to celebrate Valentine’s day than to celebrate it with You! 

Happy Valentine’s day Jesus! I know it’s impossible to send this letter to heaven. But I do know that you can read this love letter and know my heart.

Lord, It has been a very tough season in my life and I couldn’t imagine going through life without You. From the time that I got to know you and committed to closely follow You, to the time I surrendered to a life of ministry, and even now to a time of trials and hardship with physical illness.

You have never once left me. Indeed, nothing in this world will be able to separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus my Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)

Whenever I am afraid of tomorrow, Your love assures me that I have nothing to fear, because Your perfect love casts out fear. (1 John 4:18) 

Whenever pain comes and suffering seems unending, Your love comforts me knowing that You have victory over pain and suffering. 

Whenever death comes near and darkness envelopes me, Your love becomes my hope and light.

Whenever there is a lack of resources and I don’t know where to go, Your love is generous and extends to people who surprisingly come to help fill the empty. 

Whenever loneliness is at hand, Your love comes in unexpected and personal ways to cheer me up. 

Whenever I doubt the plans You have for me, Your love shows me that you know best.

Whenever I am tired and defeated, Your love fights for me.

Whenever I am silent, Your love advocates for me. 

God, thank you for the perfect love that is in Jesus Christ. For the immeasurable, unconditional, and sacrificial love He expressed through suffering on the cross. For the victory of love through the resurrection. And for choosing me as Your beloved child. 

And so Lord, though my healing from this disease is still far and suffering is still at hand in this world. I will continue to believe, trust, and love you because you have loved me first.

With all my heart, soul, and mind,
