The Culmination of My Two Defining Moments
My year 2021 had two defining moments — One was finishing my Master of Divinity at the International Graduate School of Leadership and the other was getting diagnosed with leukemia. These two moments in my life transformed me immensely in so many ways and yesterday was its culmination.
(Watch) The Night Song: One-Year Remission
What a faith journey it has been! From the time I was diagnosed with leukemia and the other complications that come with it to this day that I am free from all of the challenging and hard treatments.
“How Long, O Lord?” – A Long Road to Complete Healing
It’s been a while since I last shared an update about my health. But here I am, alive, well, and cancer free by God’s grace alone. But the past months have been challenging. Especially hard […]
The God of Strength: IGSL’s 40th Anniversary Devotional Book Launch
What an honor to write a devotional for the 40th anniversary devotional book of my beloved alma mater, the International Graduate School of Leadership.
My Leukemia is Back
There are no words that I can say. But only tears in my heart. It has been a few days of silently crying to the Lord. And what always brings me back into His presence […]