Hospital Day 31

While I had my last dose of chemo for the first cycle, today is a frightening day again, yet an exciting one. Frightening, because I will have multiple laboratory tests and my attending physician, Dr. Francisco Lopez, and his team will be doing my 2nd bone marrow biopsy to see how much of the leukemia cells have decreased. This is crucial for me to know how aggressive the next cycle of the chemo should be, and if I will be eligible for bone marrow transplant soon and beat ALL. Exciting, because the tests will be done to make sure my body is well enough to have a week of rest at home. I’m going home!! Even if it’s just for a week! Praise the Lord for sabbath! Truly an answered prayer of resting in His presence and with family before I get admitted again for chemo.

Please continue to pray with our family for favorable results on my bone marrow biopsy and my HLA/DNA typing for perfect matching for the bone marrow transplant that will be coming from my sibling (soon to be hero 😜).

I am always reminded that whenever we face anxious thoughts the Bible clearly gives us manners on how we can experience the peace of God.

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
– Philippians‬ ‭4:4-7‬ 
Let me share my three P’s (peace) for experiencing the peace of God:
  1. Persist in Rejoicing in the Lord
  2. Present Gentleness to Everyone
  3. Pray with a Thankful Heart

Friends, practice these things, fix our eyes on Jesus, the Prince of Peace, and surely the peace of God will defeat anxiety!

PS. Sharing to you a video clip of my preaching/teaching on this passage from a year ago. I hope God’s Word blesses you as much as it blessed me til this day and all my days!