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In this page, I share my leukemia treatment timeline, documenting the stages and experiences of my journey through Philadelphia-positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (Ph+ ALL) treatment.

My Leukemia Treatment Timeline: A Personal Journey

Bone Marrow Biopsy Negative
Bone Marrow Biopsy Negative

“Hi! Congrats! Your bone marrow is clear!”

These words seemed unreal when I first heard them. I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it. My bone marrow is clear, and I can have my bone marrow transplant soon! Before I could say anything, I held back tears, looking at my mama, smiling, and even laughing. Wow! All my heart could say was, “Praise the Lord. Thank You God!”

Consolidation Phase
Consolidation Phase

I got admitted for the next phase of my treatment, the consolidation phase. I received consolidation chemotherapy with high dose methotrexate and cytarabine.

Completed the Consolidation Phase
Completed the Consolidation Phase

Finally got discharged after 18 days in the hospital for my consolidation chemotherapy. Here’s a picture with my wonderful nursing care team!

Conditioning for Stem Cell Transplant
Conditioning for Stem Cell Transplant
After a week’s rest at home with family, I am back in the hospital in preparation for my bone marrow transplant. I have been on GCSF injections the past 4 days, so that my bone marrow would produce at least 3 million stem cells and move it to my blood stream. Tomorrow, these stem cells will be harvested, preserved, and stored as a back up just in case my body will reject my sister’s stem cells during transplantation.
Autologous Stem Cell Harvest
Autologous Stem Cell Harvest
We aced the Autologous Stem Cell Harvest! The Lord shows His good hand in each step of my treatment.
What was normally a 4-hour harvest was done in just an hour. Doctor Datu in this picture was so happy with the smooth and quick procedure. He said I am one of the rare cases. Not only did the procedure went well, but also the number of stem cells harvested were almost doubled from what was needed. We were able to harvest 5.7 million stem cells than the 3 million requirement. PS. Let’s pray I won’t be needing these backup cells. These cells were only harvested and stored just in case something went wrong with my bone marrow transplant.
Total Body Irradiation Conditioning
Total Body Irradiation Conditioning
I will be undergoing a total body irradiation. This is to help prepare my body for the bone marrow (stem cell) transplant tomorrow! It is done to kill any cancer cells that are left in the body and helps make room in my bone marrow for new blood stem cells to grow.
Haplo Identical Stem Cell Transplant
Haplo Identical Stem Cell Transplant

My sister had to face some hurdles during the harvesting of her stem cells. She had to undergo two harvests due to low blood flow in her first central line. The doctor had to insert a new central line on her neck to harvest the stem cells. We are thankful to God for the 5.2 million stem cells harvested and transplanted to me.


Day 1 of Post-Transplant
Day 1 of Post-Transplant

Day one of post-transplant and all is well at the Stem Cell Unit. I am expected to have some fevers and reactions from the transplant. But here we are reunited with my sister for a quick catch-up and photo op! All smiles!

Day 14 of Post-Transplant
Day 14 of Post-Transplant

All smiles with my incredible nurses on my last day of stay at the Stem Cell Unit. Praise God for the smooth recovery without fevers and infections. My Achi’s stem cells have started to engraft or produce healthy blood cells in my body. His Grace is so amazing for allowing me to come home earlier than expected.

Going Home With a New Immune System
Going Home With a New Immune System

Finally going home with a new immune system! Did you know my blood type has changed from O+ to my sister’s A+? Isn’t it amazing? Now, we have to be careful for the next 100 days as I take care of this new immune system like a baby! Here are some pictures of me, Dr. Lopez, and my care team!